Leadership 2021 - 2024
Unit Chair | Melanie Allen | |
Steward | Kristiina Koskela | |
Steward/ Health & Safety | Angie Lafrance Faubert | |
Steward | Allyson Armour | |
Steward | Silvanna Vitiello | |
Health & Safety | Vacant | |
About Company
Sudbury Finnish Rest Home Society can now look back at its first ten years with considerable pride. The idea for a multi-phased seniors’ facility, first raised in 1982, has now blossomed into an architectural and socio-cultural setting consisting of two attractive and functional complexes that has drawn admiration from many quarters. This achievement did not come easily. To bring the project to its present state involved the cooperative effort of hundreds of people dedicated to the cause of making life a little better for seniors in the Sudbury area. The story, however, does not stop here. While much has been done, there still remains the task of completing Phase III – the construction of Hoivakoti as an extended care facility to assist seniors requiring nursing assistance. The achievement of the Society in the past decade leaves little doubt that this part of the 1982 vision too will eventually become a part of the historical record.